Our Team is Dedicated to You
We are proud to work at a locally owned community bank. We strive to have excellent customer service and enjoy helping our communities grow.
Dan Cook, CEO/President
Gary Coup, Sr. Vice President/Cashier
Douglas Carlson, Sr. Vice President/CCO
Daren Sanders, Sr. Vice President/Loan Officer
Danielle Andrew, Vice President
Dillon Cook, Vice President
Maria Lorson, Compliance Officer/BSA
Bethany Hajek, Assistant Cashier
Carla Hajek, Loan Secretary/Teller
Amy Richmond, Teller/Bookkeeper
Lorrie Adkins, Teller
Rose Scott, Teller
Katharina Bigham, Teller
Hali Schultz, Teller
Colleen Klug, Teller
Melissa Hoffman, Bookkeeper
Haley Shore, Teller
Lacey Wingerd, Bookkeeper